Getting Ready for High School Programs

Is your Year 6 child starting High School next year??

Are you looking for something to ease the anxiety around this transition?

Let  us help ease some of that worry. 


We all know that starting Year 7 is a new adventure in a child’s schooling. Sometimes this can be quite daunting and comes with potentially

many changes. New peers, new settings and routines, new teachers and different work and behaviour expectations. Then, there are all the

‘new subjects’. What a potentially scary prospect – particularly if Maths and/or English have not been a strong point in their primary schooling.


This program aims to strengthen and develop essential mathematical and/or English skills needed for the start of High School.


These programs are run during Term 4. Limited places are still available. 

High School Homework Club

We at Flying Colours understand how difficult homework and assignments can be. We also understand what a strain this can have on family relationships. 

Our Homework Club is designed to help you and your child take the stress out of homework. During Homework Club, a teacher is available to help your child work through their tasks and assignments.  

Homework Club is available for any student in Years 7-10. And, it can be for any subject!  

Homework Club is different from our individual and group support sessions. And… it can be a drop in/one off service. 


Where every child learns to soar.

Our homework club sessions are held of an afternoon at our Cardiff premises.